Kapchagay 100MWp Solar Power Station

The power station is located in Kapchagay, Kazakhstan, which is the largest single photovoltaic power plant in the region.

With the model of “100% Made in China, 100% Construction in Kazakhstan”, the project took 380 days from develop to grid-connection. During the construction process, it had involved over 10 local subcontractors and 500+ workers, and occupied 12 shifts of CRExpress train transporting 500+ containers of Chinese equipment from domestic to the project site. The project was eventually connected to the grid on September 3, 2019, and is providing 160 million kWh of clean electricity to the local community, and is reducing 160,000 tons of carbon emission each year. In addition, the project received project financing from the Development Bank of Kazakhstan (DBK)of 10.8 billion Tenge (~27.8 million USD) and DBKL of 65 million Tenge.

Solar Power
Almaty, Kazakhstan
On-grid Date